How to enlarge the penis with massage: the best technique

A massage that helps men increase the size of the penis

Currently, for men, many different methods have been created to improve the condition of the body, while increasing the size of the penis. One of the most popular ways to strengthen an erection and fix the penis is a massage to enhance the penis. Is it possible to increase the size of the penis in this way?

Is it possible to enlarge the penis with massage?

Some men consider the massage to enlarge their penis as a ridiculous manipulation, because it ensures that it is impossible to change the size of the penis with it, which is fundamentally wrong. Limbs are muscular organs filled with cavities. With sexual stimulation, blood enters it, filling this cavity (corpora cavernosa). The bigger they are, the more blood will be placed in them, and the greater the length and thickness of the penis can reach. Since the muscles can be trained, it is possible to increase, or vice versa, ensure the expansion of the cavernous body.

Pros and cons of penis enlargement with massage

Penis enlargement with massage and various massages is a procedure that is available to everyone and does not require much effort on the part of men. The main advantages of such a technique are:

  1. Minimal number of contraindications and side effects.
  2. Safety. Massage can be harmful only in cases where a man makes the wrong movement, thus causing discomfort or pain to himself.
  3. Luck. The massage only includes a small expense for related products (lubricants, ointments, etc. ).
  4. Efficiency. The massage method is really effective.

Of the minuses of such a procedure, one can note:

  1. Limited efficiency. Maximum extension length is 5 cm.
  2. The need for daily exercise. If there is no purpose, the class will not bring the expected results.

Get ready for the massage

The main additional action before the massage for penis enlargement is the making of a heat compress. To make it, a soft cloth is dipped in warm water, squeezed and applied to the body of the penis. After 3 minutes, the compress is removed. The whole procedure is repeated at least twice. After compressing, the skin of the organ must be thoroughly dried. Every massage session should start with this procedure. This approach will provide blood flow to the organs and improve blood microcirculation, making the skin more elastic.

An overview of the most popular massage techniques for penis enlargement

How many effective techniques exist that allow you to qualitatively enlarge the penis with the help of massage? Since ancient times, men have invented many additional methods of enlargement - from external stroking to internal muscle training.

Kegel technique

Exercises developed by Alfred Kegel help enlarge the penis due to increased intensity of blood flow to the organ. Blood flow helps the organ achieve an erection and looks more impressive because of this, adjusting its length and width. Most men use such exercises in addition to the basic means of increasing the penis. This approach makes the correction of penis size real and effective.

The basis of Kegel exercises is to train the pelvic floor muscles, which are located from the tailbone to the pubic bone, that is between the scrotum and the anus.

The basic exercises designed to improve the quality and size of the penis are as follows:

  1. Rapid tension and weakness of the pelvic muscles. Such actions should be performed at least 20 times, gradually increasing their number to 100. Do the exercise three times a day, gradually increasing the bar to 1000 daily compressions.
  2. Prolonged compression. Contracted muscles should be fixed for 30 seconds. Gradually, the time increases to a few minutes.
  3. The pelvic muscles alternately contract and decompress with increasing load. The first step is to contract (a few seconds) and open the muscle for the same amount of time. After active training, you should try to squeeze the muscles as if trying to crack an imaginary nut with the help of the anus.
  4. Compression should be done as slowly as possible. Completing the compression, you should relax the muscles. Gradually, the muscles began to vibrate as if. In this case, a man can really feel the movement of energy to the spine. During class, you should breathe as deeply and slowly as possible.
  5. When urinating, a man usually expels the last drop from the head of the penis. At this time, you can feel the movement of pushing muscles, as if opening the anus. Such movements should be done regularly, not only in the process of visiting the toilet.

Recommendations for exercise:

  1. You can perform classes anywhere - at work, on a walk, in transport, etc. The main condition is regularity.
  2. Although classes should be systematic, it is important not to overwork. Muscles need to be rested, allowing them to fully recover. Do not do more than 3 approaches of 20 minutes per day.
  3. It is not recommended to use any other muscles during Kegel exercises. In some cases, men confuse the pelvic muscles with the thigh or press muscles. Pumping them, they do not get the expected thickening and growth of the penis.

"Dao" technique

Allows you to increase the size of the penis, using a minimum number of manipulations.

This technique includes the following steps that need to be done:

  1. Air is inhaled through the nose, after which the breath is held and the air flow seems to be "swallowed", going to the stomach.
  2. Once at the bottom of the peritoneum, the air must then be directed to the groin area.
  3. A man presses on the point located between the anus and the scrotum with the help of three fingers (ring, middle and index). This circle of points increases erection.
  4. Holding your finger on the indicated point, you need to take a deep breath. The right member stretches the penis forward and backward 36 times.
  5. Next, you should rub the head with the thumb of your right hand until the phallus begins to "wake up".
  6. The phallus is grasped at the base with the left hand. After correcting the grip, you should hold your hands a few centimeters forward. Along the way, gathering strong air energy, you should move towards the head.
  7. Following this manipulation, the penis should be rotated clockwise 36 times to the left and the same amount to the right. You need to finish the exercise by knocking the weak penis on the inside of the thigh (36 times in both directions).

The technique described in most cases is quite problematic, because men have difficulty breathing and physical exercise at the same time. In the process of training, the skill of performing techniques will improve. And although most men are a bit skeptical about this method of penis enlargement, the Taoist technique is quite effective and popular.

Special video tutorials that can be easily found on the Internet will help you to practice Tao techniques correctly. Training videos will provide the highest quality massage and the most positive enlargement results.

Pull Power

With one hand, holding the penis in the head area, you should pull it towards you and fix it for 5 seconds. Pull the organ forward and also fix it for 5 seconds. The same movement must be done to the left, as well as up and down. You can fix the penis until there is some pain (but not discomfort, let alone pain). Such exercises help to achieve an erection of the penis and as a result create good conditions for increasing its length.

The technique of forcibly pulling the penis to increase its length

Performing the above manipulations, a man must ensure that his manhood is relaxed. To catch the head, one should move towards the tip of the penis from its base. This exercise is easy to do, sitting on the edge of the sofa.

Circular extrusion

The penis is pulled forward with the hand holding its head. After holding the organ in this way for 5 seconds, it is necessary to pull it up. Continuing the manipulation, the penis is slowly rotated counterclockwise until a gradual increase in erection is felt. Exactly 5 seconds are given to complete the circle. The exercise is repeated 25 times. After completing each round, the penis is slightly shaken and massaged, normalizing blood flow.

Thai massage

Thai massage for penis enlargement is very popular among men. You can not do such manipulations yourself - at the time of massage, a man needs to rest. This technique is best tested in a special salon, feeling the skills of experts. A more budget massage option can be organized at home, shifting the responsibility to the sexual partner.

Thai massage, which increases the size of the penis, includes the following steps:

  1. Warming up the partner's body. A gentle massage on the shoulders, neck, chest, legs of men should be done.
  2. Transition to the back. This area should be compressed quite intensively, but slowly. To increase the arousal, it is allowed to draw the fingers along the surface of the anus.
  3. Massaging the penis. This area is very sensitive, so the touch should be as light as possible.
  4. The man took a doggy position. The partner continues to stroke the penis and head, moving to the base of the organ.

Other techniques

Additional methods of penis enlargement are jelqing, soda application and regular masturbation.


Another enlargement technique called jelqing is massaging the penis in a certain way. There are two types of jelqing - dry and wet.

Penis Enlargement Using Jelq Machine
Dry massage

Include the following steps:

  1. Grasp the base of the penis with your index finger and thumb.
  2. The resulting ring moves along the base of the penis to the head.
  3. At the same time, the hand should wrap the penis quite tightly and not slide along the shaft, but as if stretching the skin, grabbing it. It is necessary to devote at least 10 minutes to the class every day, during this time doing about 200 movements. Every day, the time should be increased, as well as the number of movements.
Wet massage

It is considered a more effective method to enlarge the male penis with the help of massage. Wet massage involves the following manipulations:

  1. Apply the gel to the genital area.
  2. Brings the penis into an erection.
  3. Wrap the base of the male organ with two fingers.
  4. A gentle but sure movement up to the head.

classic masturbation

Paradoxically, ordinary self-gratification will help increase the size of the penis if it is done in one of the following ways:

  1. The body of the penis should be grasped with two palms, grasping the head. Masturbation should last about 2 minutes, while the penis should be slightly away from you. Feeling the approach of orgasm, you need to pause for a moment, not allowing ejaculation.
  2. Classic masturbation with a change of pace. Hand movements alternately speed up and slow down. Ejaculation should be pushed as far as possible.
  3. Masturbating in an upright position with tension in the groin and gluteal muscles.

Massage with honey-soda solution

Traditional medicine suggests replacing regular lubricants with a mixture of honey and soda, mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. Baking soda alone can irritate the skin of the penis. After mixing, the product is rubbed into the genitals, accompanied by massage movements along the way. After the manipulation is completed, the penis should be washed and dried.

Many reviews of the technique of massaging the penis to increase it are mostly positive, which is not surprising - this technique really works. In addition to correcting the size of the penis, this approach helps strengthen men's sexual health, preventing the onset of impotence symptoms. The main condition is the correct implementation of all recommendations and the usual approach to the class.